سعید شفا بنیانگذارو سرپرست جشنواره بین المللی سینمایی تیبوران در شمال کالیفرنیا است. بهنود مکری مجری و گزارشگر شبکه خبری فارسی صدای آمریکا از برگزاری هفتمین دوره این جشنواره گزارشی تهیه کرد که در
Toward A Global Cinema is a blog containing the writings of Saeed Shafa, born in Iran but living in the United States for more than four decades. He holds a masters degree in film, and has written about the world cinema for over 40 years. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Tiburon International Film Festival, in Tiburon, California, which he founded in 2001 [www.TiburonFilmFestival.com]; founder of the Iranian Film Festival in San Francisco, launched in 2008 [www.IranianFilmFestival.org], and founder of the Petaluma International Film Festival, launched in 2009 [www.PetalumaFilmFestival.org].